
We are an Inspection Entity type C with accreditation according to the criteria included in the Standard UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17020 for inspection activities in the environmental area for the scope of wastewater, and Collaborating Entity of the Hydraulic Administration in terms of control and monitoring of water quality and management of discharges.

We are Control Laboratory of Sanitary Facilities, for the microbiological control of air in sanitary environments and in sanitary surfaces, in clean rooms, kitchens, operating theatres, surfaces of swimming pools, etc., control of waters in plants of production of ultrapure waters (waters of hemodialysis), and control of legionelosis in systems of AFCH, ACS, cisterns, cooling and heating circuits, hydrotherapy pools, etc., based on UNE reference standards.

Always complying with the other Royal Decrees (RD 140/2003 and RD 902/2018, RD 865/2003, RD 1799/2010, RD 1798/2010, RD 902/2018, RD 817/2015, RD 1514/2009…) for the sanitary control of all types of water and installations.



We offer services that safeguard public health, the environment and quality. Our laboratory is oriented to the realization of analysis, sample taking, inspections and special works under GLP.

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